asia pacific photography

 >> collections page    

contacts - copyright notice - and relevant notices

All information uploaded to this site is accurate as possible based on information available.

All Information is being supplied for reference and research purposes.

Copyright of copied and web-linked materials remains with the original authors.

Copyright of original material remains with the authors.

If you wish to use some of our original material, copyright and clearance will most likely be granted for all non-profit and research undertakings.

Please make contact to obtain any necessary permissions and clearances.

We consider it polite to share and therefore ask that we be notified of any use of any materials from this site.

If there are errors, make contact, as amendments and corrections are welcomed.

We reserve the right to remove material and amend any information as and when we wish - so be aware that links could change and /or information on any page could alter or even whole pages be disappeared.

And most importantly - if there is material you believe could be on this web site or links we have missed and infomation you would like to share, research you are doing and would like it linked in or even put on this site ..., please let us know, please make contact and discuss.

Always open to any comments and suggestions.

and.. many of the images are available for purchase at a reasonable price as scanned images for research and associated publication purposes - make contact and ask whether they are available and at what price - please explain the use planned for the image(s) being requested for puchase. (We reserve the right not to sell any of the images).



also note: we have very full time day jobs, so responses may be erratic!