Asia Pacific photographs from Photograms of The Year
This is a selection of the Asia–Pacific photographs published in Photograms of the Year.
The photographs have been scanned directly from the magazines - and are therefore of mixed quality depending on the quality of the original magazine images.
The location of many of the originals is often unknown - as are the biographies of many of the photographers.
If there are queries - please make contact
Australia: 1894 - 1960 (193 images)
British Columbia: 1905 - 1946 (26 images)
China: 1915 - 1953 (57 images)
Hawai'i : 1921 - 1942 (6 images)
Hong Kong: 1913 - 1960 (65 images)
India: 1898 - 1960 (81 images)
Japan: 1908 - 1958 (70 images)
New Zealand:1895 - 1950 (33 images)
Singapore: 1954–1960 (23 images)
Other South East Asia: from Vietnam - Malaya - Sawarak - Philippines - Dutch East India & Ceylon
West Coast USA: 1902 - 1958 (218 images)
West Coast Japanese USA a special sub set of the above West Coast USA
These photogram pages are based on research undertaken by Bernard Lilienthal, Volunteer Research Assistant, Photography Department, National Gallery of Australia

About Photograms of the Year
Published London: Dawbarn & Ward, Ltd., 1895 - 1962
Annual review of the world's best pictorial photographic work, compiled by the editors and staff of "The Photogram," assisted by A.C.R. Carter.
Illustrated with reproductions and tipped-in plates.
The editors and publishers changed over the years, along with the size. This was the longest running, and most prestigious "picture" annual.
The contributors included: J. Craig Annan, Alice Boughton, Fred. Boissonnas, Will Cadby, Alvin Langdon Coburn, F. Holland Day, Robert Demachy, F. Drtikol, R. Durkoop, Frederick Evans, Hugo Henneberg, E. O. Hoppe, A. Horsley Hinton, Alexander Keighley, William Mortensen, C. Puyo, H.P. Robinson, D. J. Ruzicka, Eduard Steichen, Alfred Stieglitz, Frank M. Sutcliffe, J. Vanderpant, Catherine Ward Weed, Edward Weston, Clarence White, and Zaida Ben Yusuf.