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1902 WIGGINS, Mrs M.A. Heimweh |
1904 Brigman, Miss Annie W. The Mother |
1904 DASSONVILLE, W.A. Mystery |
1904 DASSONVILLE, W.A. The Yosemite Falls |
1904 GOE, C.A. The Mountain Road |
1904 MAURER, Oscar Hillside Pastures |
1904 SAVANNAH, J. Portrait |
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1904 WIGGINS, Mrs. M.A. The Song of the Sea (Oregon) |
1905 DASSONVILLE,W.A. The Cypress Tree |
1906 LANGA, O.V. The City's Refugees |
1910 FLECKENSTEIN, L. Moving the Flock |
1913 BRIGMAN, Annie W. The Source |
1914 FLECKENSTEIN, L. Study of a Head and Hand |
1914 WESTON, E.H. Summer Sunshine |
1914 WILLIAMS, E. Spring |
1915 ARCHER, F.A. Sunlit Pool |
1915 RABE, W.H. The Crescent |
1915 WEBB, S.V. Home of Many Mysteries |
1915 WEBB, S.V. Baby Wants it Too |
1915 WILLIAMS, E. Dance of Springtime |
1915 WESTON, E.H. Nude with Black Shawl |
1916 DOOLITTLE, J.N. North Portal University Library |
1916 FLECKENSTEIN, L. Rose Dance of the South |
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1916 GOETZ, Louis A. The Fountain (San Francisco) |
1916 KALES, A.F. The Call of the Sea |
1916 PARTRIDGE, Imogen C. Designer and Design |
1916 RABE, W.H. The Guardian |
1916 WESTON, E.H. Dancing Nude |
1917-18 ARCHER, F.R .The Turn of the Road |
1917-18 MATHER, Margrethe Miss Maud Emily |
1917-18 BANFIELD, Jesse T. Zamelit |
1917-18 DOOLITTLE, J.N. Portrait of Miss St. P. |
1917-18 EDWARDS, J.P. The Strollers |
1917-18 KALES, A.F. The Bubble |
1917-18 NEYMAN P. Above the Clouds |
1917-18 RABE, W.H. The Lighted Court |
1917-18 THE HOOVER ART COMPANY, Vacation Pleasure |
1917-18 WEBB, S.V. Wishing |
1917-18 WESTON, E.H. Portrait of Miss Dentra Baldwin |
1918 EDWARDS, J.P. A Beach Frolic |
1918 LOVEJOY, Dr R.S. A Summer Symphony |
1918 NEYMAN, Percy Ho! Charon |
1918 BROWN, R.W. Little Black Dog |
1918 HERRICK, A. The Bank |
1918 HUDSEN, W.A. A Basket of Roses |
1918 KALES, A.F. A Magazine Cove |
1918 PRATT. E.M. The Capitol |
1918 RABE, W.H. Nocturne |
1918 SARTOV, Hendrick Quest of the Nymph |
1918 WESTON, E.H. Vaudeville |
1918 WILLIAMS, E. Summer's Sunlight |
1919 BROWN, R.W. The Pearl Necklace |
1919 EDWARDS, J.P. Hills of California |
1919 FLECKENSTEIN, L. Happy-Go-Lucky Mexican Boy |
1919 KALES, A.F. Ballerina |
1919 PRATT, E.M. Sun-Flecked Columns |
1919 WESTON, E. Epilogue |
1919 WILLIAMS, E. Stream and Poplars |
1920 STICK, J.C. The Surf Line |
1920 ARCHER, Fred An Illustration for the Arabian Nights |
1920 DOOLITTLE, J.C. The Gamblers |
1920 EDWARDS, J.P. Marshland Pastures |
1920 FLECKENSTEIN, L. Ariadne |
1920 KALES, A.F. Florize |
1920 KRAJEWSKI, Miss Ida Joy |
1920 LIBBY, Francis O. The Dreaming Night |
1920 LOVEJOY, Dr R.S. The Supplicant |
1920 SAWYER, W.C. Trimming the jib |
1920 WILLIAMS, E. Kelp Kewpie |
1921 ARCHER, F.R. Freedom |
1921 DOOLITTLE, J.N. Miss Ruth Millar |
1921 EDWARDS, J.P. Solitary Heights |
1921 FLECKENSTEIN,, L. His First Overcoat |
1921 KALES, A.F. Faere Queen |
1921 KATO, Taizo Sunlight and Shadow |
1921 LIBBY, F.O. Mesa Encantanada |
1921 LOVEJOY, Dr R.S. Nocture- The Temple |
1921 MACGREGOR, Helen Brigand's Dance |
1921 MATHER, Margrethe Pierrot |
1921 STRUSS, Karl Rhythm |
1921 WESTON, E. Betty in her Attic |
1922 ANDERSON, P.D. Solitude |
1922 FLECKENSTEIUN,, L. Over the Unbroken Trail |
1922 KALES, A.F. Audrey Chapman |
1922 LIBBY, F.O. Nocturne The Bridge |
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1922 STRUSS, Karl Above the Pacific Twitight (Hollywood) |
1922 WILLIAMS, E. Allegro |
1923 LATIMER, H.A. El Capitan, Yosemite Valley |
1923 DOOLITTLE, J.N. Spring Magic |
1923 KALES, A.F. Mary Pickford as Rosita |
1923 LIBBY, F.O. After Sunset |
1923 LOVEJOY, R.S. Nocturne A Winter Night |
1923 OGASAWARA, F.T. A Portrait of Mrs B |
1924 ARCHER, F.A. T he Fisherman and the Geni |
1924 DOOLITTLE, J.N. Anna May Wong |
1924 FLECKENSTEIN, L. The Ballet Dancer |
1924 KALES, A.F. Julanne Johnston |
1924 LEWIS, R.C. The Receding Wave |
1924 LIBBY, F.O. Nocturne, The City |
1924 LOVEJOY, Dr R.S. Peaks and Ravines |
1925 BROWN, C.H. The Serenade |
1925 EDWARDS, J.P. The Song of the South Wind |
1925 FLECKENSTEIN, L. The Huntress |
1925 GOETZ, L.A. Jazz |
1925 KALES, A.F. Black Draper |
1925 KUNISHIGIE, F.A. The Broken Bowl |
1925 LIBBy, F.O. The Climber |
1925 MORTENSEN W. Glass |
1925 OLLINGE, J.W. The Fairy Ring |
1925 SHIMOJIMA, Kaye Design Japonica |
1926 ASAISHI, K. Jars |
1926 BROWN, Charles H. To Love Tis Everything |
1926 KALES, A.F. The North Wind |
1926 MAYEDA, H.T. Design |
1926 MIYAMOTO, H. Line Study |
1926 MIYATAKE, T. Toriol |
1926 OTA, K. The Vine |
1926 TANAKA, K. Water |
1927 ALBEE, Wayne Shadows |
1927 ASAISHI, K. Lines and Angles |
1927 COLLINGE, J.W. Shadows on the Wall |
1927 CONNELL, W. The Man |
1927 FLECKENSTEIN, L. Dance of the Winds |
1927 HOMMA, P. Y Finding Shadows |
1927 KALES, A.F. The Sun Bath |
1927 KIMURA, Takeshi The Green Beam |
1927 NAKAMURA, K. Evening Waves |
1927 ONISHI, H. Silver and Glass |
1927 SHIMATSUSA, M. Aurora |
1927 SHINDO, T.K. Nigasa |
1927 TANAKA, K. Water Lily |
1927 UYEDA, S. Oil Ditch |
1928 FLECKENSTEIN, L. Nymphs of the Fountain |
1928 COLLINGE, J.W. Undine |
1928 KALES, A.F. The Kiss |
1928 KIRA, H. Phials |
1928 KONO, A. Summer Time |
1928 MAYEDA, T. Design Study |
1928 MORTENSEN, W. Decoration |
1928 OHARA, K. The Harbour |
1928 OTA, K. Wire |
1928 SHINDO, T.K. Still Life |
1928 TSUKANE, T.K. Serpentine Canyon and Dado |
1929 COLLINGE J.W. A Thrush Sings |
1929 KALES, AF. Poster |
1929 KIRA, Hiromu An Arrangement |
1929 NAKAMURA, K. Breaking Wave |
1929 BRIGMAN, Ann The Storm Tree |
1929 KEMMLER, Florence E. The Trapeze Act |
1929 MAYEDA, T. Whirlpool of Oil Bubbles |
1929 MORTENSEN, W. So Tired |
1929 NAKAGAWA, S. Departure |
1929 OHARA, Kichiji Evening Shadows |
1930 EVANSMITH, H. Siesta |
1930 KALES, A.F The Canyon |
1930 DAPPRICH, F.R. Picaruela |
1930 DOOLITTLE, J.N. Lassitude |
1930 KIRA, Hiromu Curves |
1930 SCHNEIDER, Dr R.E. Shadows on the Wall |
1930 YAGINUMA, R.M. Still Life |
1930 MORITA, R. Twilight Pattern |
1931 ALEXANDER,K. Girl in White |
1931 DOOLITTLE, J.N. Harvest of the Sawmill |
1931 EVANSMITH, H. Rhythm |
1931 KALES, A.F. Hide and Seek |
1931 KIMURA, H.E. The Aviator |
1931 KONO A. Pond Fantasy |
1931 Mortensen,W, Victoria Rebecca |
1931 NOHIRA, T. Japanese Jars |
1931 SHINDO, T.K. The Shadow |
1932 YAGINUMA, R.M. Repose |
1932 ANDERSON, P.D. Still Life |
1932 ARCHER, F.R. The Flight of the Arrow |
1932 DOOLITTLE, J.N. Anchor Chain Empress of Britain |
1932 KALES A.F. Hamadryad |
1932 KELLEY, R.M. Vacation Days |
1932 MAYEDA, T. Design |
1932 MORTENSEN, W. Betty |
1932 NAKAMURA K. The Dancer |
1932 OFFICER R.A. The Story |
1932 SHINDO, T.K. Oil and Water |
1933 SHINDO, T.K. Dragon-Fly |
1933 BARNSBY, J. Maxine |
1933 DAPPRICH, F.R. Carola |
1933 GOULD, F.O. Polishing the Brass |
1933 IZUMI, S. The Shadow |
1933 KALES, A.F. Eve |
1933 MORTENSEN, W. Nude Sudy |
1934-35 DAPPRICH, F.R. Dusk |
1934-35 Kales, A.F. A Daughter of Nippon |
1934-35 HINDO, T.K. Bowman |
1936 BARSBY, J. Flight |
1936 BERTELSMANN, H. Sand Waves |
1936 FLECKENSTEIN, L. The Dancer |
1936 KALES, A.F. Nymph of the Canyon |
1936 WAKASA, K. Higasa |
1937 FLECKENSTEIN, L. Bess |
1939 MORTENSEN, W. Dancing in the Rain |
1939 OFFICER, R.A. After the Swim |
1940 HISE, H. Thistles |
1940 OFFICER, R.A. Beach Hat |
1941 BACHMANN, Barton Pottery |
1941 HALL, Shirley M. Balinese |
1942 POWELL, Jack Ranch Days |
1942 SHINDO, T.K. Still Life |
1945 CROSSET, E.C. The Joy of Living |
1945 WRIGHT, Jack Little Sisters |
1946 BARSBY, Jack Uncle |
1952 HALL, Shirley M. Sea Nymph |
1952 HOWARD, Jack Admiration |
1954 DOBRO, Boris The Breath of the Past |
1957 MORTENSEN, William George Dunham |
1958 DIENES, Andre De Marie Denham |
1958 SZIPAL, Martin Last Leave |
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japan | new zealand | singapore | west coast USA | west coast japanese USA