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1913 JORDON, Dr G.P. Wind Blown |
1918 WESTON , Mr & Mrs F. Afterglow Hong Kong Harbour |
1921 BLASON, C.H. A JUNK |
1939 LAU, Cho Chak LANTERNS |
1942 CHO, Lo Tak The Vagabond |
1951 LAU, Cho Chak Serenity |
1951 WU, Francis It Satisfies |
1952 FOOK, K.H. Recollection |
1954 CHEUNG, Man Ping In Deep Thought |
1954 CHEUNG, Yu-Chiu Concentration |
1954 FOX, Ming Kwan, A Young Chinese Student |
1954 FUNG, Yuan Hon Breeze |
1954 LAW, Lok Moonrise |
1954 LIANG, Nung-Yan Fishmongers' Strife |
1954 MANN, Yooky Oriental Beauty |
1954 PUN, Yet Pore Autumn |
1954 TAM, Kwoh-Kwan Outdoor Study |
1954 WU, Francis Flirtation |
1954 YU, Kai Ming The Work is Done |
1956 CHAN, H.H. Photographic Carvings |
1956 CHAN, Shau U. Early from Bed |
1956 CHE, Lucky Lanterns |
1956 CHEN, Dr S.Y. Tears |
1956 CHEUNG, Man-Ping I Can Manage It |
1956 CHEUNG, Yu-Chiu Silver Twins |
1956 CHOW, Chung Lim Candlelight |
1956 HON, Chiu Why Lock |
1956 LIN, Hsiang-Hshu Full Sail in the Sunset |
1956 PUN, Yet-Pore Be Careful, Mimi |
1956 SOO, Yinm-Ming The Wall is My Pal |
1956 WONG, Chin-Pang Cactus |
1956 WU, Daisy A Penny to a Hundred |
1956 WU, Francis Smiling Indian |
1957 CHAIN, S.T. Window Scene |
1957 CHEN, Dr S.Y. Blowing Out |
1957 CHEN, Manly Fruitful Day |
1957 CHEUNG, Yu-Chiu Design |
1957 CHEW, K.C. Come Down, Please |
1957 DAN, S.F Spring Song |
1957 IOU, Hubert S.H. Fishing at Dawn |
1957 LIN, Hsiang-Hsu Early to Fish |
1957 SHUM, Kung-Sik From the Vineyard |
1957 TAM, T.K. Flying |
1957 TCHAN, Fou-Li Innocence |
1957 WU, Dr K.H. Waiting for Dad |
1957 WU, Francis Morning Songs |
1958 CHAN, H.K. Young and Fresh |
1958 CHAN, Shau U. Flock Together |
1958 CHEUNG, Man-Ping Pleasurable Hour |
1958 CHEW, K.C. Intimate Partners |
1958 DAN, S.F. A Chinese Painter |
1958 LEE, Victor Spring Sunshine |
1958 NG, Sui-Cheong Happy Childhood |
1958 PUN, Yet-Pore Waiting for Mummy |
1958 TSANG, Peter Glamour in Sunset |
1959 CHANG, Chau-Lin Lurcher |
1959 CHANG, P.G. Lines of Beauty |
1959 WONG, Dr Wing Chee Jade Lotus |
1960 CHEW, K.C. Curves in Motion |
1960 CHING, Bodel Harvest |
1960 HO, Chung Hei Little Miss |
1960 WING, Dr Wing Chee Are There Any |
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japan | new zealand | singapore | west coast USA | west coast japanese USA