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A selection of the Asia Pacific photos from Photograms of the Year


1894 - 1960

1894 BHEDWA, Shapoor N.         The Naver Ceremony


1895 BHEDWA, Shapoor N.      At The Altar


1895 GUARDIA, J.      Reflections


1898 DUNSTERVILLE, F.       Shrine of Jaine Temple


1898 BHEDWA, Shapoor N.         The Burden of Life


1901 ASHTON, Ernest R           In the Home of the Grand Mogul Ashton


1901 BHEDWA, Shapoor N.        The Late Head Priest of the Parsee


1904 CLUTTERBUCK, W.J.         A Graceful Tramp Clutterbuck


1905 CLUTTERBUCK, W.J.        Kashmir


1906 BHEDWA, Shapoor N.         Goolab Roses


1907 ASHTON, Ernest R.           Winter Sunshine Ashton


1907 BHEDWA, Shapoor N          .'tis she



1907 LYNDE, Gasgoine            Sunset on Hooghily


1908 EARDLEY-WILMOT, Mrs.                Ah! Flowerets,Who Turn Your Tender Faces


1908 LYNDE, Gasgoine         Early Dawn


1909 LYNDE, Gasgoine             The Path Through the Rice Fields


1909 PONTING, Herbert G.        Entrance to the Golden Temple


1910 Dusty Day Agra


1910 LYNDE, Gasgoine       The Daily Round, The Common Task


1912 SCUTTI, Symes G.P.          The Tomb of the Caliphs


1915 LYNDE, Gasgoine             Morning Mists


1915 STONEY, E.W.          Lamb's Rock, Coonoor


1916 LYNDE, Gasgoine,           The Taj Mahal Dawn


1917-18 JEWETT, Major A.E.       .Eat To Live (A  scene in an Indian village)


1919 BEARDSELL, Sir William              The Sunbeam


1919 BENNETT, Major         The ploughman A Khyber scene


1919 HART, Mrs. H.H.          Mountain Solitude


1919 KEIGHLEY, Alex        The Water Carriers


1919 LYNDE, Gasgoine            Orient 


1920 BEARDSELL, Sir William          Sunrise on the River Madras


1920 WADIA, D.P.        A Spectacular Display


1921 HART, Mrs.H.H.     Silvery Morn, Kashmir


1922 UNWALLA J.N.           Reverie


1925 UNWALLA, J.N.            Curious Yet Kind


1928 UNWALLA, J.N.       Play of Light


1929 RATNAGAR, E.R.      The Sunlight Barn


1929 UNWALLA, J.N.            Girl Guide


1930 NALAWALLA, J.N.            The Dawn of the Morning Light


1932 KHAREGAT,S.J.         Dignity of Labour


1933 KOPARKAR, S.K.          Dustry Road


1934-35 DESAI, M.          Force


1936 RATNAGAR, E.R.            The Solitary Sail


1937 KOPARKAR, S.k.       Archer


1938 DILWALI, B.K.     Bright Eyes


1939 JEPSON, Stanley            The Bow


1939 PATEL, A.J.           The Crane


1940 UNWALLA, J.N.          Through The Glass Door


1941 COOPER, Dr S.B.             Judy



1941 FRAZIER,            Marble Window, Agra


1941 SHAH, Chandural J.              Decline of Life


1942 LIMAYE, N.G.              Sage


1942 NALAWALLA, I.N.          At Work


1943 TYNDALE, H.E.             The Challenge


1945 UNWALLA, J.N           .Modesty


1946 PATEL, A.J.                Vicky


1947 MODY, S.R.            Spring Fancy


1947 PATEL, A.J            Kashmir Boatman


1947 UNWALLA, J.N.        Q


1948 YAKOVENKO,Ivan,            Tearful


1949 ENGINEER, D.C.          Homeward Bound



1949 NYSS, Errol A.             Devotion


1949 SHUKLA, D.S.           Vision


1951 KHOPKER, D.B.      Retreat


1951 SHUKLA, D.S        Surprise


1952 NYSS, Errol A.     Taking the Veil


1953 KOTHARY, Dr K.L.               Into the Dust


1954 KING, H.L. Priscilla         6.30am


1954 RASTOMJEE, K.N.         Homeward Bound


1954 UNWALLA, J.N.            Sartar Dastur Noshirwan


1956 GANGULI, R.R.         Mother and Child


1956 KHOPKER, D.B.           Sisters


1957 NALAWALLA, I.N.            Bath in Ganges



1957 UNWALLA, I.N.        Dampeded Hopes


1958 GANGULI, R.R.           Study


1958 NALAWALLA, I.N.              Morning in Paris


1958 UNWALLA, J.N.            Statuesque


1959 GANGULI, R.R.            Soaring Flight


1959 KHOPKER, K.B.           Layala and her Pet


1960 BHATIA, N.R.          The Cat


1960 KNITKAR, Dr. M.             My Pet


1960 NALAWALLA, I.N.              Vad Shivitri


1960 ROY, Subrata             Symphony


1960 SHARMA, H.I.          Kittens After All



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